
Archive for August, 2013

Solar monitor with jqPlot and TED5000

August 26th, 2013 4 comments

I have a solar powered home. Well, sort of. It is a grid-tied solar system, meaning when it is sunny outside our solar panels produce more power than we use and we bank that power with our utility company. At night time, we draw from the power we banked during the day.

I have a TED5000 energy monitor to keep tabs on how much power we are producing and how much we are consuming. The TED5000 is great, but the interface is a bit lacking for me. It has all the information I need, but it is buried in several different screens. Answering the questions how much solar power did we generate today, or what was our net usage, or did we ever produce more than we used during a day are not immediately visible on the interface.

I had been wanting to teach myself jQuery, so when I found jqPlot it seemed like the right time to dive in and make a new interface. The result, a real time view into our daily energy production and consumption.

Daily energy graph

The time of day is represented on the X-axis and is updated every 5 minutes with the latest data from the TED5000. The left Y-axis shows the average power during the 5 minute period and is related to the green and red lines on the graph. The right Y-axis shows the total energy produced and is related to the area curves on the graph. Green represents solar production and red represents energy consumption. Finally, the number in the upper-left of the graph is updated every 5 seconds and displays the current net power.

I still use the TED5000 for its monthly estimates, but the new jqPlot powered display is a nice new way to see the data.

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Hardening WordPress

August 25th, 2013 No comments

This blog is run using WordPress. WordPress does not have the best record for having bug free software. To make sure doesn’t get overrun by viruses, I’ve taken a few additional steps to secure the site. All these steps follow the simple idea that, if it isn’t needed for an average viewer of the blog, disable it.

1. Allow only http GET requests
Most of the changes to a WordPress blog happen with POST requests. By limiting the server to only servicing GET requests, very few modifications can be made to the blog. Of course, this means that none of the administration functions work. More on that in a bit.

2. Deny access to the administration pages
Most of the administration pages are stored in the wp-admin directory. These administration pages allow the blog owner to create new blog posts, add plugins, and customize the site. By denying access to the administration pages, nobody can use those pages to make changes to the blog.

3. Deny access to the login page
Again, if nobody can login to the blog, it’ll make it much harder for anyone to make changes to the blog.

4. Use an external comment system
The built-in comment system requires use of http POST requests. Those were disabled by #1. Using the built-in comment system can lead to a lot comment spam to. Use a comment provider, like Discus or IntenseDebate and you’ll be handing off the spam filtering to them.

With the blog locked down tightly using the above recommendations, it becomes hard to make any changes, even for the blog’s administrator. To allow an admin to access the blog, configure the web server to require SSL and http digest authentication for any action that could modify the blog.

To configure this for Apache, first setup the digest authentication:

    AuthType Digest
    AuthName "esev"
    AuthDigestDomain /blog/wp-admin/
    AuthDigestProvider file
    AuthUserFile /path/to/htdigest.password/file

Then configure the additional restrictions. To limit the web server to only accepting GET requests add this:

    <LocationMatch "^/(?!(blog/(wp-cron|index)\.php))">
        <LimitExcept GET>
            Require valid-user

If a request for a request, other than a GET, arrives at the web server, the client is presented with a http digest authentication dialog. Without the proper username or password, these requests will be denied.

Access to all of the administration pages should be denied. The following configuration section for Apache takes care of this, and allows the blog administrator to bypass the restrictions by logging in.

    <LocationMatch "^/+(blog/+(wp-login\.php|wp-admin)|$))">
        Require valid-user

Sure, the http authentication dialog box looks a bit ugly, but it prevents anyone without the proper user and password from accessing any content that isn’t needed. Alternatively, something like mod_auth_cookie_mysql could provide a nice login interface for the administrator.

I don’t think this is a bullet-proof way to keep a WordPress site safe, but it should prevent any automated tools from hijacking your blog.

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Updating’s SSL certificate

August 25th, 2013 No comments

The SSL certificate on was updated today. I get the SSL certificates from StartSSL, mainly because they are free and trusted by most browsers. StartSSL only needs to validate your email address and that you are the owner of the domain, then you’re free to create as many certificates as you need.

So I don’t need to look it up again next year, here is the one-liner for generating the server’s certificate:

openssl req -new \
    -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout esev.20130825.key \
    -out esev.20130825.csr
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